Sunday, February 23, 2014

Where has the time gone?

The year is zooming by, nearly the end of Feb but I have been busy, a new pattern, Audrey, a paper piecing pouch. It's designed to fit everything you need for some paper piecing on the go.

Scissors, threads, glue pen, paper pieces and your project all have a pocket and small enough to fit in your handbag or glove box, great for when you're waiting for the kids, husband or various government departments!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Free Stitchery Pattern

I'm just giving myself a little pat on the back as I think I've managed to add a link to my new stitchery pattern. My Backyard is a collection of simple stitcheries, just to say thank you for visiting my blog. I'll post one a month for 6 months and some measurements for sashings if you would like to make it into a mini quilt. The first block should be cut 7 1/2" x 5 1/2".
Patterns are for personal use only, but feel free to share the link with others. Thanks for supporting my blog.


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Another Birthday...

and spoilt yet again by Wendy. Wendy sent me a beautiful doll with a bag full of stars
Here she is sitting in my kitchen with the bird Wendy made me for Christmas (it was too cute to pack away with the other decorations). She also sent a Tilda book and some thread, a pack of Lilac Hill charm squares a mini quilt hanger and more! I was so touched that someone spent the time to make me something so special, I have really enjoyed this swap and am very thankful to have Wendy as my swap partner.
Also for my birthday I was in Triathlon Pink and this year Meg came too, she was in the 2.5km run and came 2nd! Not a bad effort for her first event, I was pretty pleased with my event too, the timing was stuffed up for the run leg but I think my total was around 10 minutes faster than last year. My best improvement was in the swim (my weakest leg) last year I was 2nd last in my age group, this year I was 6th fastest!
A great day all round.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

And the winners are......

Lou with Britannia Farm, and Julie Schliefert was our random prize winner! Thanks to everyone for our Facebook likes and all your suggestions. If like to email me your snail mail addresses to I'll pop them in the post for you.