Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Puffing Billy

If you're visiting the Dandenongs you've got to see Puffing Billy. We took the family on the weekend and all had a great day! Also if you're up visiting Karen at Mrs martins duck down the hill to Emerald lake, the train leaves there daily at 2.30 just enough time to take Tulley to see the train and make it home to pick up the rest of the family from school! Perfect.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Yes I am! But so is my daughter and her friends so of late the only sewing done around here was taking up school pants....9 pairs! These pants seem to be designed to have a waist of a plastic sparrow and still be 5'9"!
Hope they don't notice they're hemmed with varigated blue and grey quilting cotton, it's the only grey I had. Ooops Cheers